You may not have given a flying f*** about Bitcoin so far.
You might even be completely clueless about the financial revolution or evolution that is going on.
But somehow, someway you stumbled onto this video.
Maybe it was the hard work and countless hours that went into making the thumbnail that captured your curiosity and pulled you in.
But let’s appreciate this moment where you let your guard down and choose this video over them damn cat videos.
Let’s say my thumbnail put you in a momentary involuntary state of mind where you envisioned everything you cared about,
and the cost of everything you wished you could buy, every experience you wished you could cherish,
was somehow slowly but noticeably escaping away.
You become more motivated than ever to find ways to make and keep your hard earned money and take back control of your life.
You see all around you… in your circle…
in your socials…
in the news,
people all over the world are quitting their jobs in record numbers.
They are all in pursuit of taking back control of their life and redefining the things they value.
They are reassessing the value of their time and they are taking action and doing something about it.
They are chasing more meaningful work or trying to find a job that will pay them what they are really worth.
Could it be that they have come to the realization that you can’t outpace the speed of ever increasing costs.
What if you… running around,
working hard,
staying focused on the grind,
made you think and feel like you’ve been making progress but in reality you are in the exact same place.
When some people have this realization they fall into depression.
They feel lost and overwhelmed.
Unsatisfied with themselves, they take it out on everyone around them.
They become deeply pessimistic and ultimately blame everyone and everything for their situation.
Some attempt to mask this feeling by drinking it away even if they don’t realize it.
This behavior disables them from doing something about it.
If they’re lucky, hopefully they will run into someone or something that tells them just what they needed to hear.
Hopefully this video is that thing for you.
You haven’t cared about Bitcoin or stocks.
You just wake up everyday, go through the same morning routine, to go to the same job, to do the same thing, over and over again.
Trading time for money,…
you think you are getting a fair deal and you start to settle.
You start saying things like money isn’t everything.
Yet everything you do in life revolves around the job.
You basically are living for the weekend.
Five days a week for the freedom of two and that’s if you’re lucky.
The older you get the more shortsighted your decisions become.
You begin to lose your reasons to invest in the future.
But could it be this feeling was caused by design?
The rules of money have changed.
But thinking differently than you have and changing small actions can get you caught up.
I want to change the way you think about Bitcoin.
Is it the end all be all?
No. It’s not.
But after hearing just one part of my compelling case I believe you will look at Bitcoin differently.
Today we will focus on the main reasons why Bitcoin makes sense.
This video is part 1 of a Bitcoin series that non-Bitcoin, non-crypto people around me have been asking for.
And you, my subscriber who is part of this freedom chasing movement,
gets an inside look into how I use math that everyone and anyone can understand to build a case as to why you are early.
Welcome to the Freedom Chasing Youtube Channel where we help people just like you think, learn & live freely.
While you may not be an extremely early first adopter of blockchain technology and the first use case which is Bitcoin,
take a step back and ask yourself
how many people in your neighborhood own 1 full bitcoin?
Just come up with an honest guess.
I’m willing to bet that the number is not that big.
Now zoom out a little further how many people in your town or city that you know or have met can you guess own a full Bitcoin.
Compare that number to the rest of the population in your state.
Now in your country.
Think about the fact that most Americans can’t afford a five hundred dollar unexpected expense.
While it’s almost impossible for you to accurately guess how many people in our population own a full bitcoin, this question forces you to ask:
Are you still early?
What compels certain types of people to adopt it right away after hearing someone talk about it just once versus people who need to keep hearing about it to finally adopt it is an interesting phenomenon.
I know high achievers, you know them go-getters, who are ambitious and are so smart, who to this day have deferred their interest to a later day.
I also know other high achievers who got it right away and said show me how.
I know people who aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed who got it right away and those who were equally as smart continue to not know what the heck is going on.
The point is it’s not a measure of intelligence that compels someone to see where things are to where they may be going.
Sometimes they just haven’t heard a captivating enough case that speaks to them in a way that creates action.
There will only ever be 21 million bitcoins in existence.
It’s hard coded into the protocol so it’s nearly impossible to change that.
Think the opposite of the money printer.
It is estimated that we will reach this number by the year 2140.
We can go into how this works another time but the important thing to know is that there will only ever be 21 million Bitcoins.
There are just under 22 million millionaires in the US as of Jan 2022.
So this means there isn’t enough Bitcoin for every millionaire in the US to own just one.
If that has not sunk in let me give you some more stats for your ass. <Coach Carter>
22 million millionaires only makes up roughly 9% of the 250 million adult population in the US.
Bitcoin is not only open for millionaires it’s open to everyone.
So we could end up having roughly 229 million adults that could begin to adopt Bitcoin in a serious way in the very near future.
Bitcoin is not only an asset for Americans.
The US may rank #1 with the most millionaires for now but there are roughly 62 million millionaires throughout the world.
There isn’t even enough Bitcoin for every millionaire to own even half a Bitcoin.
My logic based in math is profoundly simple:
If there are 62 million millionaires in the world with money to invest then the price of Bitcoin will go up significantly from where it is at today, based on this fact alone.
And I should probably squeeze in there, I’m not a registered financial adviser and this information is strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only.
Get it. Got it.
Good. Capitch.
The current world population is 7.954 billion people but that huge number actually doesn’t carry as much weight from a purchasing power perspective
when compared to the 2,755 billionaires in the world today.
So now that we thoroughly looked at the data hopefully this is eye opening to just how early you still are.
Meeting people who own are whole coiners will become increasingly rare.
***If you enjoyed this written preview be sure to click on the video and subscribe***
***Below has been added on February 15th, 2023***
If you like to read the full written script it is available over at our Patreon page.
For as little as $5 per month you will gain access to all of our scripts, ability to participate (deciding on thumbnails & topics), 100% response rate when you want to communicate with me directly. This money goes to paying editors and other team members and is greatly appreciated as the videos after 7/29/22 have become very time and resource intensive.
Thank you for your support it really is appreciate it!!! To your Freedom Chasing success… see you in the next video!