We make incredibly engaging videos on topics that help you design the life you want.

Why we exist.

We write articles and make videos on topics that you need to know to chase the life you want. We believe in free thought which means exploring all perspectives on any topic that impacts your life. We built this website to organize our thoughts, learnings and passions into a place that is easily accessible to anyone and everyone. We believe building better habits now regardless of where you are in life, regardless of pass mistakes, will lead to a happier, healthier more fulfilled life with choices and abundance. Thank you for joining our Freedom Chasing community.

Money / Personal Finance

Videos designed to improve your relationship with money while learning about the history & current events that shape the money game we all are playing.

Entrepreneur Stories

Videos designed to show & tell the stories of people who have accomplished something of note & skills needed for you to do the same.

Business / Political Documentaries

Videos designed to show you how big businesses got that way and sometimes how they stay that way.

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Check out these great videos!

*Money / Personal Finance

Why The First 100k Is The Hardest On Your Path To Financial Freedom

*Entrepreneur Stories

The Rise & Fall of Mike Tyson | A Story of Redemption

*Business / Political Docs

BlackRock | The Most Influential Shadow Bank in the World.